
Department of the Environment & Natural Resources


anh DENR

The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is a part of the Native Village of Eyak Tribal Government. DENR works to protect the Native Village of Eyak’s traditional lands, manage natural resources for the tribe, and prevent, or mitigate, environmental damage and preserve our traditional subsistence way of life. As stewards of this land for over 10,000 years, DENR seeks to continue that tradition.


Preserve, protect, manage and enhance the long-term sustainability of the natural resources for present and future generations.

Department of the Environment & Natural Resources

How We Operate


Our programs' scope include fisheries and wildlife research and management, water quality and quantity monitoring, mitigation of contaminated sites, rapid spill response, glacier monitoring, aquaculture and mariculture.

Research Focused

Our programs output primary research and our staff uses primary peer-reviewed literature to make recommendations to the Tribal Council for department priorities and programs.

Resource Management

The overarching purpose of our programs is to develop and support best management practices in the use of our resources.


Office of Natural Resources

In 2001, NVE became a part of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Office of Subsistence Management (OSM)’s Fisheries Resource Monitoring Program (FRMP). This was DENR’s first major expansion into natural resource management and was a big step towards officially re- establishing our traditional role as stewards of our home lands. Since 2001, DENR has expanded greatly and is now pioneering a modern era of research and collaborative management combining western science and traditional knowledge. As active stewards of the land and water, NVE has built strong ties with governmental agencies, becoming an integral part of the region’s environmental and resource management policy making.

Rivers and Oceans

Office of the Environment

Water Quality
Marine Debris
Contamination & Remediation
Indian Environmental General Assistance Programs (IGAP)

Contracting Services

DENR has expansive capacity to  mobilize and conduct high-quality research projects on any scale in Prince William Sound, the Copper River and the Copper River Delta. We make those services available to others conducting work in our region whose priorities align with the Tribe’s.

Imaging Sonar

High resolution imaging sonar capabilities (hull inspection, piling inspection, fish counting)

Penetrating Radar

Ground and ice penetrating radar

Drone Services

We operate a DJI Phantom 4 Pro to collect low cost aerial imagery.

Environmental Monitoring

We provide stream gauge data, water quality monitoring, water chemistry monitoring, analysis of contamination, resource assessments and a variety of other a la carte environmental services.

Questions? Contact DENR

110 Nicholoff Way
Cordova, Alaska 99574
MON-FRI 8:00am - 5:00pm