
Office of the Environment


anh Office of the Environment

The Office of the Environment is a part of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) for the Native Village of Eyak Traditional Council Tribal Government. The office of the Environment works to protect the Native Village of Eyak’s traditional lands, manage subsistence resources for the tribe, and prevent, or mitigate, environmental damage. The people of Eyak have been stewards of this land for over 7,000 years and DENR seeks to continue that tradition.


Water Quality

DENR conducts stream gauging around our tradition homeland, conducts ocean acidification monitoring in Prince William Sound and provides water sampling services for those who wish to have water resources on their private property evaluated.

Information about our new mariculture program can be found here.

Water Quality Programs

Marine Debris

The beaches in our traditional homeland are heavy accumulators of marine debris. They tend to be high energy and inaccessible by land and so require unique solutions to remove debris.

Marine Debris Programs

Contamination & Remediation

DENR operates multiple programs whose focus is remediating contaminated sites. We work on private and public property as well as formerly used military sites and operate a spill response program. We provide services to prevent contamination, such as home heating fuel tank inspections. 

Contamination & Remediation Programs​


The Indian General Assistance Program (IGAP) through the EPA is DENR’s longest standing continually operated program. It provides basic funding to maintain an environmental office and address the Tribe’s environmental concerns. 

IGAP Programs